Bello Machre Receives $50,000 Donation Commitment From The Community Bank Of The Chesapeake

Bello Machre Receives $50,000 Donation Commitment From The Community Bank Of The Chesapeake

December 1, 2021 ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND – Bello Machre is pleased to announce a $50,000 charitable giving commitment from Community Bank of the Chesapeake (CBTC), payable over the next three years. “The Community Bank of the Chesapeake is an important partner of Bello Machre, not only supporting our events with this amazingly generous 3-year…

Bello Machre Receives 6,500 Grant from the Phillips Charitable Foundation

Bello Machre Receives $116,500 Grant from the Phillips Charitable Foundation

October 28, 2021 ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND – Bello Machre is pleased to announce the award of a $116,500 grant from the Phillips Charitable Foundation. This funding will be used as the down payment for Bello Machre’s next state-of-the-art, fully-accessible home, which will be named in honor of Howard W. Phillips, Jr., the namesake of the…

Bello Machre Creates New Community Services Department

Bello Machre Creates New Community Services Department

The new Community Services Department will now oversee Bello Machre’s current community service programs including personal supports, respite care, meaningful day, and supported employment opportunities. Forming a leadership position to oversee these services will provide a cohesive effort to deliver more comprehensive services to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. In addition, managing these services…

Bello Machre Logo in Golden Circle David Wynkoop

Charles and Norma Irish Home – New Bello Machre Home Dedicated in Millersville

In honor of Charles and Norma Irish, the Bello Machre home located on Brookwood Road in Millersville, Maryland was dedicated as The Charles and Norma Irish Home on August 9, 2017. Charles Irish began his involvement with Bello Machre in 1995. With generosity spanning over two decades, Mr. Irish’s gifts total over $360,000. He has helped open countless doors for families and individuals in need.

Maryland Affordable Housing Trust Awards $48,312 Grant to Bello Machre

PRESS RELEASE Date:  February 7, 2013 Contact: Tracy Lynott – Director, Development 443.702.3016 email: Maryland Affordable Housing Trust Awards $48,312 Grant to Bello Machre ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND: Bello Machre received a $48,312 grant from the Maryland Affordable Housing Trust (MAHT) to provide four permanent emergency generators. These permanent whole-house generators will be installed in…

A Young Boy’s Surprise for Christmas

PRESS RELEASE Date:  December 13, 2012 Contact: Tracy Lynott – Director, Development 443.702.3016 email: A Young Boy’s Surprise for Christmas ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND: Through the Bello Machre Ray of Hope Program and three local businesses, Zack had an early Christmas surprise. With donated funds from Corporate Brokers (Annapolis, MD), Annapolis Civitan #177 (Annapolis, MD),…

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Grand Opening for New Fully Wheelchair Accessible Community Home

PRESS RELEASE April 10, 2012 Contact: Tracy Lynott – Director, Development 443.702.3016 email: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Grand Opening for  New Fully Wheelchair Accessible Community Home ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND: Bello Machre will hold its Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for its new Spencer Road Home on Thursday, April 26, 2012 from 3:00 p.m. to…